Josué Barroso

<aside> ⚠️ This document has no professional rigor. My goal with it is to help you understand how my "thinking" works overall and showing some quick proposals.

My process always depends on the task to be solved. What information do we have about the problem beforehand? How mature is the product vision? What are our expectations? Do we want to learn quick? Do we want to iterate a fine-tuned flow? Do we want a short-term impact? Anycase, my process is full of questions that I use constantly to put the focus on the big problem.


Problem to solve 💊

Before thinking about solutions, it is important to frame and double check the problem you want to solve. Therefore, I would like to re-define a little bit each "need" to feel it as a real problem and preventing thinking about solutions too early.

The user wants to know what is the most relevant content. He/She also wants to be aware of content about to be released in order to plan what to see.

Users want to find content in a simple and natural way that matches their interests.

The user wants to find shows no longer featured.

Research 🔬

I'm going to assume that the Disney+ target audience is very broad and diverse, from children to seniors. This is why it is vitally important to understand how each user group thinks and interacts with the app.

There are many research techniques but I’ll name the ones that I consider particularly useful to solve this problem: